Will Online Elementary Education Programs Make My Kids Happy?

Online schooling offers advantages and opportunities that the traditional classroom does not — flexible scheduling, one-on-one attention and the ability for students to enjoy a learning experience that is customized to their needs and strengths.

However, many parents wonder if their child will be happy attending an online school. Here are a few reasons that kids (and parents!) love online schooling.

Why do some elementary school students love online learning?

As any parent knows, the traditional classroom doesn’t always allow for active participation — especially for children that are more reserved. One of the primary reasons that students love the online learning experience is that it gives them the opportunity to engage with their teachers, their fellow classmates and the course material in the security of a safe and familiar environment.

“I am most proud of the elementary school children who have found their voice and participate wholeheartedly on the webcam and in our talent shows, expressing themselves,” says Miriam Rube, K12 International Academy’s head of school. K12 International Academy offers a private, online Lower School for children in grades K-5. “Particularly, those who had not done so in their previous environments.”

Online Schooling creates strong bonds between teachers and their students

While teachers in traditional schools must see to the needs of 20 or more students at one time, educators in online schools can provide far more one-on-one attention.

“We consider the best fit for each individual student,” Ms. Rube explains. “In our model, the family’s designated learning coach — usually a parent — and our school’s homeroom teacher work hand-in-hand to be sure the student fully engages with the material in a meaningful way. This relationship is paramount to the student’s success and progression.”

How do I find the “right way” to do online schooling? (Hint: there isn’t one)

While the traditional classroom experience works beautifully for some children, for many others, its limitations have a negative impact on an individual child’s quality of education and engagement. Unlike the rigidity that brick and mortar schools require, online schooling allows for students to customize and take control of their own learning experience.

“At the International Academy, there is no identified ‘right way’ for students to learn,” Ms. Rube says. “For this reason, many students choose our environment. Their learning is available to them 24 hours, seven days a week. The right way is no longer sitting in a desk at the front or back of the room every Monday through Friday at 9 a.m. until the bell rings at 3 p.m.”

What Kind of Support is There for Parents?

Students aren’t the only ones who love the online learning experience; parents also enjoy the unique opportunities it provides. As you’re learning how to make online learning work for your family and student, you have the benefit of having the support of both your child’s teachers and fellow learning coaches.

“Because there are no limits between teachers and parents, it can be really nice to know that, as a parent, you have someone there that you can talk about these issues with who is on the same page, and is also invested in the success of your student,” says Susan Hollingsworth, manager of family and student support at K12 International Academy.

You want your child to be happy and enjoy learning, and sometimes the road less traveled provides the most enjoyable and effective learning experience.

Want to learn more about how online schooling works?

K12 International Academy offers online learning opportunities for students in grades K-12. If you are specifically interested in the Lower School, here are a few resources to check out:


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